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Racing Turtles

Vim (Advanced Insert) - Finer Text Insertion

Learn how to control where you want to insert text.

Introduction #

In the last tutorial, you learned how to begin using Vim. You learned that Vim is a modal editor. Vim begins in Normal mode, but to edit text, you need to enter Insert mode.

The last tutorial detailed how to enter Insert mode with the i key in Normal mode. There are many ways to enter Insert mode and insert text in Vim. This tutorial will detail more ways you can insert text in Vim.

Requirements #

Lack Requirements?

If you lack the requirements, check the previous tutorial for instructions on how to install and get started using Vim.

Getting Started #

Open Vim. This can be done in a terminal if your system lets you run the vim command. Otherwise, you should look for gvim.

$ vim

The screen should look similar to this:

Vim start screen

If you haven't specified a file name, enter the following command:

:write insert.txt


You might not be able to copy and paste the :write insert.txt command in Vim. Type the command in its entirety then press <Enter> to execute it.

This command saves the current buffer to a file named insert.txt (as covered in the previous tutorial).

Standard Insert #

The simplest way to enter insert mode is to press i. Enter the following:


This places the cursor directly before the character that the cursor currently highlights. For example, in this setup, pressing i will enter Insert mode and let you insert characters between the k and d in markdown:

Vim text says markdown and cursor is over the letter

In an empty file, this will let you insert text into the current buffer. Enter the following text in the current buffer:

this is text

Press <Esc> to leave Insert mode and go back to Normal mode. The cursor should highlight the last letter in the line, like this:

Vim text says this is a line and cursor highlights last t in

Cursor Movement

To move the cursor, use the <Up>, <Down>, <Left>, and <Right> arrow keys to move the cursor one character up, down, left, and right respectively.

Move the cursor to the space between is and text as shown:

Vim text says this is text and cursor on space between is and

Enter Insert mode with i. Insert the word "only" after "is" as shown:

Vim text says this is only text and cursor on space between only and

Press <Esc> to return to Normal mode. The cursor should highlight the last letter of "only" as shown:

Vim text says this is only text and cursor on last letter of

Insert at Beginning #

To insert a character directly before the first non-whitespace character of a line, type I (<Shift-i>).

Enter insert mode and move the cursor to directly before the first non-whitespace character in the line by typing I (<Shift-i>). The cursor should be placed on the "t" in "this" as shown:

Vim text says this is only text and cursor on first character of the

Type "I think" followed by a space. The line should look like the following:

Vim text says I think this is only text and cursor on t in

Press <Esc> to switch to Normal mode. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text and cursor on space between think and

Append #

To append text in Vim, use a or A (<Shift-a>). Both commands are different and place the cursor at different positions.

End of Line #

To add text to the end of the line, press A. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text and cursor directly after last letter
on line

Add a period (.) to the end of the sentence by typing .. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text period and cursor directly after

Press <Esc> to return to Normal mode. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text period and cursor on

After Any Character #

To add text after any character, highlight the character with the cursor in Normal mode then press a.

You will add don't after I in the beginning of the sentence. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text period and cursor on

To move the cursor to the first letter of the line, press 0. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text period and cursor on first

Press a to go into insert mode with the cursor placed directly after the first "I" in the sentence. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I think this is only text period and cursor on space between I
and think

Type a space followed by don't. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period and cursor on space
between don't and think

Press <Esc> to switch to Normal mode. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period and cursor on t in

Open Line #

To open a line below or above an existing line, use o and O (<Shift-o>). Both commands are different and open a line in different places.

You will add two sentences on separate lines. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period and cursor on t in

Open Line Below #

Press o to enter Insert mode and add a line directly below the current line. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period and cursor on new line

Type This is a text file followed by a period (.). The lines should look like the following:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period new line This is a text
file period and cursor directly after period of second

Press <Esc> to return to Normal mode. The lines should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period new line This is a text
file period and cursor directly after period of second

Open Line Above #

Press O to enter Insert mode and add a line directly above the current line. The line should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period new line new line This is
a text file and cursor on blank line

Type This is much more than text followed by a period (.). The lines should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period new line This is much
more than text period new line This is a text file and cursor directly after
period at end of second line

Press <Esc> to return to Normal mode. The lines should look like this:

Vim text says I don't think this is only text period new line This is much
more than text period new line This is a text file and cursor on period at end
of second line

Conclusion #

In this tutorial, you learned how to enter insert mode in Vim. You learned how to place your cursor before or after a highlighted character, at the beginning or end of a line, and in a new line directly above or below. With this knowledge, you can control where you want to insert text into a text file, which will enable you to spend fewer keystrokes inserting text.

Vim empowers you to improve your edit workflow. Edits require fewer keystrokes and complexity. Combined with Vim's language-like keybinding design, Vim accelerates and eases your edit workflow.

In future tutorials, you'll learn how to leverage Vim for even more advanced insertion and many more.

License #

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0.