asdf - Manage Your Version Managers
Install and use the asdf version manager.
Version managers let you install and switch between multiple versions of a technology. Little software exists to manage your version managers. Node needs nvm. Python needs pyenv. Ruby needs rbenv. Different version managers need to be handled separately.
You might struggle remembering which command to use for which technology. Each version manager uses a different command scheme to set, install, and remove versions of the technology they manage. You need to maintain a long PATH to manage each technology yourself.
The asdf
version manager lets you manage your version managers.
You only need to install one version manager and add a few lines to your shell
configuration file once.
This tutorial will help you install the asdf
version manager and install the
latest version of Node.js without root privileges.
Requirements #
- Git
- A text editor
- POSIX-compliant shell (e.g. Bash)
- Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu)
Author Recommends
This tutorial details installing asdf
on a Linux distribution.
If you run Windows or OS X, refer to the official documentation here.
The official asdf
documentation details other installation methods, but I
recommend using git
and a POSIX-compliant shell because they don't require
many dependencies on most Linux distributions.
Getting Started #
You can view the asdf
version manager's official git repository
To install asdf
with git
and a POSIX-compliant shell:
- Clone the git repository into your home directory.
- Add lines to your shell configuration file to:
- Set $ASDF_DIR environment variable to location of installation directory.
- Source
environment variables.
1. Clone Repository #
To clone the git repository, enter the git clone
command shown below:
$ git clone ~/.asdf
This will create a hidden directory named .asdf/
in your home directory,
which will contain the installations and binaries for each version of every
technology installed.
2. Edit Configuration File #
To use asdf
in the shell, add lines to the file ~/.profile
Open the file in a text editor.
Author Recommends
I recommend nano
if you're unsure of which text editor to use.
To save a file and exit in nano
, type <C-x>y<CR>
To set the ASDF_DIR environment variable in the shell, add the following
line to the end of the ~/.profile
export ASDF_DIR="$HOME/.asdf"
This will help asdf
find the location of your installs and binaries.
To source the environment variables, add the following line to the end of the
. "$HOME/.asdf/"
This will help asdf
update the PATH variables for each version of every
technology installed.
Save and close the file from your text editor.
Update the environment variables in the shell by running the following command in the shell:
$ . ~/.profile
Install Technology #
With asdf
installed, you can begin adding technologies.
The asdf
version manager has first party (built by the developer of
) and community plugins to install various technologies, for example
Node.js, Ruby, and Java.
This tutorial details starting with the nodejs
plugin because it is a
first party plugin, and it installs node and npm, which allows any npm package
to be installed.
To install the latest version of Node.js and use it in the shell:
- Add Node.js plugin to
- Install latest version of Node.js
- Set latest version of Node.js as default globally
1. Add Plugin #
To add the Node.js plugin, enter the asdf plugin add
command into a shell:
$ asdf plugin add nodejs
2. Install Latest Version #
To install the latest version of Node.js, enter the asdf install
followed by the plugin and the version.
The asdf version manager's Node.js plugin provides the term latest
indicate the latest stable version of Node.js currently released.
$ asdf install nodejs latest
This command will pull the latest stable version of Node.js currently released
into the installs/ folder under the ~/.asdf/ directory where
was installed.
Double-check that the latest version of Node.js was installed with the asdf list
command followed by the plugin name.
At the time of writing this tutorial, v22.3.0 was the latest version of Node.js
$ asdf list nodejs
3. Set Node.js Version #
Set Global Version #
To set a Node.js version globally, use the asdf global
command followed by
the name of the plugin and the version to set.
If you installed the latest version of Node.js with the term latest
denote the version, you can use latest
to set the latest stable version of
Node.js released globally.
$ asdf global nodejs latest
Set Local Version #
To set a Node.js version locally, use the asdf local
command followed by
the name of the plugin and the version to set.
You can use latest
to denote the latest Node.js version released.
$ asdf local nodejs latest
Verify Version #
To check whether Node.js is installed, run node -v
in a shell.
At the time of writing this tutorial, v22.3.0 was the latest version of Node.js
$ node -v
Another way to check the currently set version of a plugin is to use the asdf current
command followed by the plugin name.
At the time of writing this tutorial, v22.3.0 was the latest version of Node.js
$ asdf current nodejs
nodejs 22.3.0 /home/user/.tool-versions
Troubleshooting #
If you receive a command not found
error after running , you might need to
run the asdf reshim
command in a shell to move the correct binary from the
directory into the shims/
directory so you can access the
binary in the shell.
$ asdf reshim
Try node -v
again to see if the correct version of Node.js is installed.
Double-check that the node
binary is taken from the asdf
install by
running the which node
command in a shell.
$ which node
If your Node.js binary isn't installed in the ~/.asdf/
directory, check
your PATH with the echo $PATH
Make sure you receive the following output:
$ echo $PATH
Conclusion #
The asdf
version manager simplifies the commands needed to install and set
versions of your technologies.
With the method described in this tutorial, you don't need root privileges to
install asdf
, and you will never need root privileges to install plugins.
You installed Node.js as an example, and you can find plugins to install
other technologies in this Git repository.
References #
The official documentation for asdf
can be accessed here.
License #
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0.