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Racing Turtles

About Me #

I'm a tech professional and love talking about tech.

I have experience in the tech and telecommunications industries. I graduated from Georgia Tech in 2020 with a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science. I've designed and developed websites for non-profit, business, and university clients. I've accelerated productivity and enhanced experiences, and if you want me to boost your productivity and work for you, email me.

My technical expertise spans Linux system administration, blockchain and cryptocurrency technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and web and mobile development. I've learned programming languages including Javascript, Java, Python, and C++, along with frameworks including Next.js, React.js, Flask, Express.js, and Angular.js. The struggles I faced learning and developing with those languages and frameworks inspired me to write documentation to ease others' struggles.

Powerful software should reach people, not require people to reach software. I write tutorials and documentation for FOSS software so no one will struggle to use it. FOSS software can improve people's computing experience, boost their productivity, and secure their data. People deserve easier and more convenient technology.

I write technical tutorials on my portfolio to ease users'experiences with tech tools and articles about my experiences in tech on my blog. The tutorials cover free software like Vim and GNU Nano. Feel free to read through them to learn how to use free software that respects your privacy and improves your usage experience.

I named my blog "Racing Turtles" because I think it's important to focus on the baby steps in life (racing turtles) instead of need to take giant leaps (racing cheetahs or racecars) in life. This blog focuses on helping people coming from all backgrounds of technical knowledge leverage free and open source software (FOSS) to improve their lives.

All tech tutorials are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 and all opinion articles under CC BY-ND 4.0.